Olde Time Portraits
in Hobart Tasmania
Studio is now located in Blackmans Bay not Richmond, 12 minutes drive from Hobart open 7 days 8 am-8pm by appointment.
Offering Old Time Photos, family portraits.
Themes include Wild West, Classic Victorian, Gangster and The 1920s.
We also offer Cake Smash and Children's Portraits , Corporate Head Shots and Pet Portraits.
FairyTale Photos
$80 per child 1 costume or your own clothes
1 backdrop black or themed
10 images emailed to you.
within 7 days
$110 per child 2 costumes 2 backdrops
or 1 costume of ours and one outfit you supply, choice of 2 backdrops.
20 images emailed to you
within 7 days
$50 per extra costume and or backdrop
Terms and Conditions 1. If you want to discuss prior to coming contact Helena ph 0456394562 or book on our website. 2. No refunds are available. 3. If your child is sick on the day coughs cold covid sympoms etc please contact us to arrange another time to do your portrait. There is no financial penalty for this. 3. If you do not turn up on the day without calling us there is no return of your booking fee. Our phone number is 0456394562 4. We accept Efpos, Afterpay. 5. There are no discounts available on these packages. 6. Digital photos emailed to you within 7 days (there are no prints with this package) 7. Gift Vouchers are available they are valid for Three years from purchase. There is no refund for gift vouchers. Contact us to organise the gift voucher which will be personalised with their name on it and who it was from. Ph Helena 0456394562